martes, 8 de abril de 2014

The Gachas Cordobesas

Today we bring you a recipe that I've known since I was a little kid. My Grandma (mother side) and all her family are from Cordoba, a city of Andalucia, and this dish comes from that part of Spain. The recipe has been passed from generation to generation, and my mother taught it to me. I want to share it with you all this recipe that is really famous in Cordoba, even if in Canary Island not so much.

About the origins of the cordobese Gachas little is known, but what is sure is that this recipe has lots of centuries on its back. This recipe was popular in the Middle Ages and in the Al-Andalus era too (the moresque era). It is known also that in the roman era somethig very similar was prepared, since there are documents found in the work of the latin writer Marcus Gavius Apicius.

The gachas are to be prepared with very simple ingredients, and even if the tradition wants them to be prepared for all the Saints (1st of November), you can't help but eating them all-year-round.

  • 200 g. of flour ( some 8 spoonful)
  • 20 g. aprox. of granulated anise (matalahuva)
  • 1/2 lemon zest
  • 1 stick of cinnamon
  • 100 g. of sugar (yu choose)
  • Bread
  • oil to fry the bread ( 150 g. aprox.)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • milk ( aproximately I used 1 and half liter).
  • cinnamon powder to decorate
The fried bread

1º- Cut the bread in pieces and fry it in the oil, y lo doramos o freímos en aceite, but we won't let it burn. Put the bread aside.

2º- Put a pot on heat and pour two spoonful of oil. When it starts being really hot, we will add the anise grains and we will remove it from heat so to not let it burn, otherwise our dish will be too bitter.
3º- Put again the pot on heat and we will add some milk. The milk it can be both warm or cold. I usually prefer it to be cold at the beginning and then warm to avoid bulks, you choose.

Milk, lemon, cinnamon, oil and anise seeds.

4º- At low heat, we put the flour, the lemon, the cinnamon and the salt in the pot. We energically stir to mix well the flour with the milk. We will add slowly the milk, letting it dense a little bit, just like we would do with the bechamel sauce. Stir it countinously, to avoid the creation of bulks. The process will last some 20 minutes in order to obtain a well cooked sauce with a good taste.

5º- When the sauce starts to dense and we have finished pouring all the milk, we add the sugar and we stir. When the sugar have completely melted we move to our next step (try if the sauce is sweet enough, and in the case, just add some more sugar and stir again).
6º- We add the fried bread, we stir and we turn off the heat. Now you can try them, and you'll see that they will not taste as flour at all, and they'll have a very smooth consistence in the mouth.
7º- Serve it in a central dish, or in different, individual portions. Decorate them with cinnamon powder and let it cool a little bit before serving. I love them warm anyway.

The gachas are realized also with water instead of milk, but in my family we always used this version. In other parts of Spain, the word "gacha" is used to describe other salted dishes.

In many versions the lemon skin is added at the beginning, along with the oil, and then remove it when it is a little bit fried. I tend to prefer to add it to the milk and cook it, so that the aroma of the lemon slowly gets integrated in the milk. I love to put some not fried bread in the gacha, but I know many others prefers to add it above the gacha, to decorate it. That's a matter of taste, as everything is in this life!

I hope you'll try them!



5 comentarios:

  1. Aquí estoy, me has dejado totalmente sorprendida al entrar y ver una receta de mi infancia, en mi casa se llaman migas de niño o gachas de niño, ¡¡¡hace millones de años que no las como!!!. Nos vemos por la red. Bss

    1. Hola! gracias por pasarte;). me alegro haberte llevado a la infancia con el recuerdo de este estupendo plato! hay que volver a las tradiciones ;). Un saludo! nos vemos!

  2. No he hecho nunca esta receta pero seguro que está deliciosa!!Después de ver las fotos me han entrado unas ganas de cocinarlas y probarlas!!! Un beso

    1. Hola, gracias por tu visita! pues te invitamos a que las pruebes! seguro que se convertirá en un clásico de tú cocina! besos!

  3. Great recipe!
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